Company News
August 16, 2023

A letter from our Founder…

To all our clients and new members

Dear trusted clients,

Due to the natural progression as a Forex Trader, a growing list of clients and a need for bigger and better systems, I founded MASCAP back in 2022. It was a tumultuous time, on the back-end of the global pandemic, yet through a track record of success and the consistent delivery of positive returns, we continued to gain traction.

We hit our 600 client milestone in our first 12 months, and by early 2023 recognised the need to scale responsibly. Naturally, we began to implement more stringent policies and requirements for anti-money laundering and additional banking policies. 

As some of our much-valued clients already know, the existing bank infrastructure requires our team to jump through hoops in order to satisfy their regulatory needs, and due to our fund now exceeding £22 million, the volume of daily transactions has created bottlenecks, resulting in delays in withdrawals and deposits.

Despite our verifiable approach, we have once again, outgrown our existing infrastructure and with that we are actively in the process of scaling up our banking infrastructure, moving to larger institutes that can handle such daily transactions. Through this process we are also submitting for approval to become a fully-regulated body, to provide new and existing clients peace of mind with how your funds are managed.

We’ll be announcing updates in the near future alongside client-first previews of our Client Portal. Those that are currently awaiting withdrawals are safe in the knowledge that they will continue to reap our frequent returns on compounded investment, with each individual receiving updates on expected timeframes.

Below you will find some FAQ regarding the KYC and AML procedures followed by us. Please read thoroughly as this will provide you with valuable insight. This is a summary of heavy-bodied regulations which our experts took the time to understand and simplify so that any person who is not a subject matter expert in the field can find easy to follow and understand.

We look forward to the next impending chapter and appreciate the patience of our members in making deposits & withdrawals at this time.

Yours Sincerely

Stuart Burling

Founder & CEO


Why have you been asked to submit new verification documents?

• We are required to gather this level of data under The Money Laundering and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2022 (AML Regulations).

• The information is recorded to reference the source of funding for the transaction/s outlined.

What happens if you don’t wish to provide this information?

• Under the AML regulations, we are required to request this information from you. The information you provide will be held on your file.

• In order to correctly comply with the regulations, we would be unable to release proceeds to you, if you decide to redeem your holding, prior to us receiving your completed verification.

What additional information could you ask me for?

• As there is a need to fully satisfy the AML regulations, there may be occasions where we need additional information from you, or we can’t get what we need from the declaration you’ve completed.

• As each request is bespoke, it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what we may ask for. However, we will write to you with full details of anything additionally we may require.

My investment isn’t new, why do you need this information now?

• The way in which our industry is regulated is constantly changing, and updating regulations regarding fraud prevention is always at the forefront of any change.

• In order to comply with the AML regulations, we need to understand the source of your incoming funds.

• Although this may not have been a requirement when you took your investment out, in order to maintain a high level of fraud prevention and comply with the regulations, this information will be required for our records.

Why are we asking for evidence to support the information requested?

The AML regulations require additional due diligence to be carried out for certain accounts and amounts and this can include requests for supporting written evidence that support the information provided. This may include P60s, Pension statements, Bank or Savings account statements, Broker Statements etc.

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